Photo by Elijah O'Donell on Unsplash


Welcome to one of the first completely open-access composition textbooks.

We firmly believe that writing teachers and students should have access to a free, quality textbook that introduces the key concepts of rhetoric and writing. We also believe that educational resources should evolve and adapt to present day circumstances and best practices.

Furthermore, we believe that a textbook should introduce and explain concepts as concisely as possible and use contemporary examples that students will find familiar.

Constructing a brief textbook on a website made the most sense when it came to satisfying all of these criteria. Compared to a print textbook, or even an online one, a website and blog format offers a number of advantages. We can update a website more easily, in order to keep lessons and modules current and relevant. It also enables us to fine-tune and expand sections in response to feedback we receive from instructors and students.

In short, the flexibility and dynamic opportunities make a website like this an exciting experiment in open access resources. We hope you find these chapters useful–as well as the media content and other resources.